– Sold OutThe secret is out on how to take your flavors to the next level. Skip the vegetable oil and switch to tallow today!
If you want to be known as the best cook in town simply combine cooking with one of our Steelmade Flat Tops and Fatworks American Wagyu Tallow.
If you have "Wagyu'ed" before, we don't need to tell you what all the fuss is about. For the uninitiated, you may be saying, what's the big deal? Plain and simple, tallow is rendered animal fat full of savory taste, vitamins, and nutrients. The Flat Top already sears steak to perfection but add tallow to tantalize the tastebuds and now you have a winning combination.
Rendered beef tallow has a very high smoke point of around 420 degrees. That makes tallow an ideal source of cooking oil for our Flat Tops. Since you can get the oil really hot, you'll get better crispiness and you won't have to worry about gross burnt oil flavors ruining your meal. You'll even end up with healthier fried foods than if you were to use vegetable oil for frying.
Once you cook with tallow on the Flat Top you won't go back to your regular old cooking oil. This is the edge you've been looking for to get that well deserved "Best Chef" title.
The Problem with Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oils
When studies came out in the early 70s linking a diet high in saturated fat with an increased risk of heart disease, we made saturated fat the black sheep of the food pyramid. But now we’re finding out that a lot of the findings in those studies were never published – and the idea that all saturated fats are bad and all unsaturated fats are good isn’t exactly accurate.
In fact, there are a lot of health benefits of natural, unrefined saturated fat sources such as tallow fat and virgin coconut oil.
Also, switching to polyunsaturated cooking oils introduced a whole new set of problems that we’ve only recently begun to understand.
Most vegetable oils are high in polyunsaturated fats, which are unstable. As a result, they produce a lot of free radicals when heated. Those free radicals can harm your body at the cellular level – causing all sorts of problems such as inflammation and an increased risk of developing degenerative diseases like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.